Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Foods that keep skin healthier

A nutritious balanced diet is a key to good health. A healthy diet could treat weight loss or weight gain issues and restore one to be healthy.Health and Nutrition gives you detail information about Health tips, Fitness Tips, Exercise Tips, Weight loss Tips, Drinking Tips and also provides latest information about health and fitness!!

Glowing, soft, supple, radiant, fresh, clear, smooth, like a baby's bottom! Isn't that just the kind of skin you would want, for ever and ever? Although the skincare market is brimming with products that promise you glowing, blemish-free skin, nothing makes you as beautiful inside out as a healthy, skin-friendly diet can.

LégumesIrrespective of skin type, to be at its best, your skin needs adequate supplies of B vitamins and anti-oxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium. Anti-oxidants enhance the immune system's ability to fight it out better and cope with allergen-ts-essential for sensitive skin types. Not to forget the importance of drinking plenty of water and consuming essential fats to moisturize skin from within. Therefore, the main foods to focus on are wholegrain, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Increase consumption of essential fats such as Omega-3s, in the form of oily fish and flaxseed. These foods calm inflammation and moisturize skin from within-crucial for dry skin. Sugary, refined foods are best avoided as they are empty calories. Caffeine and alcohol are dehydrating, therefore not conducive for healthy, glowing skin either. Not to mention smoking, which ruins your skin! Here are some tips for specific skin types.

Sensitive Skin
Look at food intolerance's/allergies to ramp up your immunity as they play a huge role in skin flare-ups.
Eat this way:
  • Keep a food diary and eliminate foods that cause skin reactions.
  • Avoid processed, sugary and refined foods. Additives such as food dyes and preservatives stimulate inflammatory pathways.
  • Sensitive skin is prone to redness and irritability.Deficiency of B vitamins can cause dry, flaky and sensitive skin. Therefore, eat more wholegrain, legumes and pulses-they are rich in B vitamins.
Oily Skin
Harmon es have been linked to this skin type as they act on the sebaceous glands and stimulate them to produce excess serum. If you have oily skin you should aim to balance your harmones.
Eat this way:
  • Eat a varied diet rich in wholegrain, fruits and vegetables for adequate fibre intake.
  • Focus on phytoestrogenes from soya, chickpeas and lentils.
  • There is also a possible link between a deficiency in Vitamin B2/B5 and oily skin. Wholegrains, beans and nuts are good sources of these vitamins.
  • Feast on cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower as they are high indole that help eliminate excess oestrogen and hence balance harm ones.
  • Get more zinc from your diet to fight blemishes. Mushrooms and pumpkin seeds are good sources.
  • Avoid xenoestrogens (chemicals that interfere with harmones) that are formed by heating food in plastic containers in the microwave.
  • Avoid saturated fats from diary and red meats as they interfere with the metabolism of essential fatty acids.
Dry Skin
Most of us complain of dryness in the winter months. However, it gets to be a problem when you have chronic rough patches, redness and irritation.
Eat this way:
  • Vitamin E helps maintain skin elasticity and keeps it moisturised. Almonds, eggs, leafy greens, nuts wheatgerm are rich sources.
  • Ensure that your diet is rich in zinc as it helps skin to heal.
  • Choose foods with high sulphur content as it promotes skin rejuvenation. Eggs, garlic, and onions are good sources of sulphur.

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